Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Job #4

Why had the cannoneer fired a last shot when Farquhar was on the shore, far from the bridge and "behind a projecting point which concealed him from his enemies"?


  1. My guess would be that he had already loaded the shot before Peyton was out of sight, so just decided to fire in the hopes that he would get lucky. Furthermore, firing a cannon must be really fun.

  2. I think I agree with Zach. He could have also been trying to lure Peyton out so they could shoot at him again. I don't know though.

  3. I would say about the same thing as the two above. Perhaps the cannoneer thought that he could get rid of the projecting point and get Peyton... that is a little bit of a reach... but you never know with these authors!

  4. Zach had my suspicion. Lydia:that reach :) could be. We really don't know how big the projecting point was and cannons are usually pretty strong. Whatever The reason, the cannoneer was a bad shot and the looser only hit the branches above Farquhar.

  5. Zach pretty much summed it up for me, other than that i don't really know.
