Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Job #5

There are a few things I noticed in the writing styles of Irving vs. Bierce. I first thought how Irving's short story "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" was almost overly descriptive and too long of a short story for my attention span. Of Course, this has nothing to do with how good the story is. I’m sure it's very enjoyable to a reader who has a good vocabulary.

On the other side of the creek, so to speak, I thought it was easier for someone of my reading level to enjoy "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge" because It was easier to picture. For instance, having read my share about the Civil War period, I could picture slaveholders wanting to do anything within their power to prevent the emancipation of the slaves whose labor had provided for them; and that makes me wonder if I wouldn't have done the same thing were I in his shoes.


  1. I agree...all the details got really old. I definitely like Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge better too. I was more into the story and eager to see how it turned out, when I really didn't care with Legend of Sleepy Hollow.

  2. I definately think that the realistic style is more engaging than the more over the top style of Sleepy Hollow. The character was easier to connect with too.

  3. I didn't actually mind the Legend of Sleepy Hollow... to much. But in a way, it seems as though they are meant for differen't types of readers. Deep readers and more realistic readers.
